2018 © Cadair View Lodge Ltd

Tel: 01978 759603

When people think of Snowdonia they think of the outdoors and the fantastic scenery.  When visiting us it’s impossible to be impressed by it all and there are a huge number of ways to enjoy the outdoors during your visit.  I’ve detailed some of the local things to do here.  But remember that you don’t have to be super fit, have lots of expensive equipment or venture far from your car to make the most of what we have to offer.  Take a look at the activities here or call me for more suggestions or information.

Click HERE to find more about mountain biking in Snowdonia - especially Coed y Brenin just 2 miles down the road

Mountain Biking In Southern Snowdonia

Cadair View Lodge log cabins are one of the closest places to stay if you are coming to ride the Coed y Brenin trails.  Click the image above to see information about all of the riding in our area.

CLICK HERE to find out more about running in Snowdonia - especially at Coed y Brenin just 2 miles down the road from us

Take A Run In Snowdonia

Running is becoming more and more popular in our area with events being added to the calendar all of the time.  We are 2 miles from the UK’s FIRST bespoke trail running centre at Coed y Brenin.  Click the image above to see more about what is on offer.

CLICK HERE to find out more about the beaches of Snowdonia especially those within 30 minutes drive of Cadair View Lodge

Visit The Beach When Visiting Snowdonia

Who said that the beach was only for Summer?  Walk on our deserted beaches on a sunny Winter’s day to invigorate and refresh you and with temperatures in Spring often rivaling the Med you can boast to your friends that you didn’t need to jet off to catch the sun.  Click the image above to find out more.

CLICK HERE for more information about Playing Golf In Snowdonia

Play Golf In Snowdonia

Spectacular scenery and fresh air whilst following your ball - if youre a golfer what more do you want? Click the image above to see the courses closest to Cadair View Lodge and enjoy a round of golf (or two) during your stay with us.

Check back soon - lots more being added

See More Things To Do During Your Stay
Choose YOUR Accommodation NOW! Snowdonia Dark Sky Reserve Stay at Cadair View Lodge To See The Stars

Marvel At Our Night Sky

Snowdonia National Park is now a Dark Sky Reserve and Cadair View Lodge has been accredited within the project for the lack of light pollution.

Stand (sit or lie) on our decks and enjoy great views of the night sky. Have you ever seen a shooting star? Or the International Space Station pass by? Click the image above to find out more.